ISBN-10: 1931543429

Wind Chimes Scarf, page 76

Corrections are underlined.

Row 3 Ch 2, 1 hdc in first 10 hdc, [yo and draw up a lp in next hdc] twice, yo and draw through all 5 lps on hook for hdc2tog…
Row 4 Ch 2, hdc2tog over first 2 sts, 1 hdc in next 7 hdc…

For 6 of the rectangle motifs…These 6 motifs with 2 tails will form one end of scarf. Then the end without the tails will be at center of the scarf. Foll photo, join motifs tog…

Snowflake Medallion Scarf, page 83

Corrections are underlined.

Rnd 4 With MC, ch 3, 1 sc between 3rd and 4th dc of next group, *ch 3, (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next ch-3 sp at corner, ch 3, 1 sc between 3rd and 4th dc of next group, ch 3, 1 sc in ch-1 sp, 1 sc between 3rd and 4th dc of next group; rep from * twice, end ch3, (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in last ch-3 sp at corner, ch 3, 1 sc between 3rd and 4th dc of last group, ch 3, sl st in first ch at beg of rnd.

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