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ISBN-10: 1-933027-22-3

Trees Breeze, page 120

Correction is underlined.

Cast on 180 sts…
Work 58 rows in twin trees pat.
Purl 1 row on WS.
Work next 14 rows in dividing pat.
Work next 48 rows in flower garden pat.
Work next 14 rows in dividing pat.
Knit 1 row on RS.
Work 58 rows in twin trees pat.
Purl 1 row on WS.
Work next 14 rows in dividing pat.
Work next 48 rows in flower garden pat.
Work next 14 rows in dividing pat.
Knit 1 row on RS.
Work 58 rows in twin trees pat.
Purl 1 row on WS.
Bind off.

White Sampler, page 144

Replace the following row:

Square 9
Row 7 Bind off 3 sts, k2, yo, k1, yo, k6 – 12 sts.

Abbreviations, page 192

Updated: 22Jan2010

Ssk Sl 1, sl 1, k these 2 sl sts tog

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