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ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-48-0

Boxy Cardigan, page 31

Updated: 08Apr201

Corrections are underlined.

Join sleeves (Clarification)

On last row worked of body, place a marker 45 (51, 57) sts in from each outer edge. Then count over 8 (14, 20) sts from this marker in towards the center and place another marker. These 8 (14, 20) sts are the body armhole sts. On one sleeve, count over 4 (7, 10) sts each side of the beg of round and mark these 8 (14, 20) sts. With RS of body and sleeve tog, sc the marked sleeve sts together with the marked body sts to join the sleeve to the body. Fasten off. Join 2nd sleeve in same way.

General notes
1. When working Yoke joining, skip over the joined sc sections.
2. dc2tog over next 2 sts (in original) = [dc2tog] twice, therefore 2 sts decreased.

Yoke joining
Row 1 (WS) Ch 3, turn, [skip 1 dc, v-st in next st, skip 1 dc] 12 (13, 14) times (36, 39, 42), *skip 1 dc, dc in next 2 dc, place marker in previous dc, dc in next 5 dc, place marker in previous dc, dc in next 2 dc*, rep directions for 16 v-sts across sleeve; rep from * to *; rep direction for 24 (26, 28) v-sts across back panel; rep from * to *, rep directions for 16 v-st across sleeve, rep from * to *, rep directions for 12 (13, 14) v-sts across front panel; dc in top of beg ch—80 (84, 88) v-sts.

Yoke shaping [L, XL]
Row 2 (RS) Ch 3, turn, *dc in next dc, dc in ch-1 sp, dc in next dc; rep from * across to 1 st before marker, [dc2tog] 3 times, move marker, **[dc in each st to marker, move marker] twice, dc in each st to marker, [dc2tog] twice, move marker**, dc in each st to 1 st before marker, [dc2tog] 3 times, move marker; rep from ** to ** once, dc in each st to beg ch, dc in top of beg ch—10 sts dec’d—282 (294 dc).
Rows 3-4 Ch 3, turn, *dc in each dc to 1 st before marker, [dc2tog] twice, move marker, [dc in each dc to marker, move marker] twice, dc in each st to marker, [dc2tog] twice, move marker; rep from * once, dc in each st to beg ch, dc in top of beg ch—8 sts dec’d—274 (286 dc).

Bobbled Hat, pages 70-73

Updated: 09May2013

Correction is underlined.

All Sizes
Rnd 1 Ch 4 (counts as tr), sc in next tr, *tr in next ce, sc in next tr; rep from * around, join with sl st in top of ch 4.

Cap Sleeve Cardigan, pages 106-108

Updated: 31Jan2013

Correction is underlined.


Row 2 Ch 3 9counts as first dc, here and throughout), dc in each dc across. Turn.
Row 3
Rep row 2.

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