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ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-14-5

Matching Hooks, page 14

Updated: 20Jan2020 All available U.S. (NO.) sizes should appear as follows:
Metric MM U.S (NO.)
3.5mm E-4
4mm G-6
4.5mm 7
5mm H-8
5.5mm I-9
6mm J-10
6.5mm K-10½
8mm L-11
9mm M/N-13
10mm N/P-15
15mm P/Q
16mm Q

Sand Stitch, page 52

Updated: 01Aug2013

Corrections are underlined.

Row 1 (rs) 3 ch, skip 3 ch sts, work 1 sc in each following ch st.
Row 3 3 ch, skip 1 st, now work 1 sc over each st in the preceding row.

Note that the symbols in the stitch diagram in rows 1, 3, and 5 should be sc symbols and not dc symbols.

Raised Chevrons,, page 99

Updated: 28Jan2020

Correction is underlined.

Row 2:…* 1 dc through front strand only of each of next 5 sts, in next st work (2 dc, 1 ch, 2 dc), then…

Raised Scales, page 107

Updated: 08Jun2019

Corrections are underlined.

Following rows: Repeat Rows 1—4.

Baltic Square, page 169

Updated: 01Aug2013

Replace round 2 with the following:

Rnd 2 Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), *(2 dc, ch 2, 5-dc cluster, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-lp, dc in next 5-dc cluster; rep from * twice more, (2 dc, ch 2, 5-dc cluster ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-lp, sl st in 3rd ch st at beg of rnd.

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