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ISBN-13: 9781942021315

The 8 colors of Classic Elite Yarns “Magnolia” that were used in the cover photo are: 5415 Pale Teal, 5425 Berry, 5435 Citron, 5448 Forget-Me-Not, 5454 Mauve, 5457 Blue Iris, 5485 Persian Orange, 5495 Bright Orchid

1. Basic Patterns

Correction is underlined.

Page 19 third column, the following (last sentence of column)
should be deleted: Work a row of WS Rectangles.

2. Silk and Cashmere cowl, page 84

Corrections are underlined.

Third column.

LH corner triangle
Row 5 P2tog, p1, turn.
Row 6 K2, turn.
Row 7 P2tog.

3. Sassy Socks

End Triangles (page 86)
Work to page 89 – top of first column, replace “Next row and all WS rows” AND the next 2 “Next rows” with the following, corrections are underlined.

*Next row (WS) Sl 1, p1, turn.
Next row (RS) Sl 1, ssk, turn.
Next row (WS) Sl 1, p2, turn.
Next row (RS) Sl 1, k1, ssk, turn.
Cont WS rows by working 1 more st at end of every WS row, and continue to work pattern as written from this point on:
Next row (RS) Sl 1, k2, ssk, turn.

4. Jolie Jabot, page 116

Fourth column, correction is underlined.

WS Rectangles
Row 2
P9, p2tog (with last st of rectangle and first st of next triangle/rectangle), turn.

RS Rectangles
Rows  3 – 20
..Rep from * across row – 3 RS Rectangles have been made.

5. Shades of Gray Vest, page 118

Left Front
TIER 4 WS Rectangles, page 121

Work to this point, correction is underlined
Rows 3–18 (20, 22) Rep last 2 rows 8 (9, 10) times. Do not turn.
**Pick-up row (WS) Pick up and p10 (11, 12) sts evenly along edge of rectangle.
Cont as written to this point –

Half Triangle
(Left Corner) (RS)
*Pick-up row (RS) Pick up and k 8 (9, 10) sts evenly along edge of last rectangle—9 (10, 11) sts on RH needle, turn.
Cont as written to this point –

Right Front
LH Triangle (WS)
Work to this point, correction is underlined.
Row 15 (17, 19) P1fb, p7 (8, 9), p2tog. Do not turn.
Work 2 WS Rectangles, beg at ** on Tier 4. Do not turn. Pick up and p10 sts evenly down edge of 3rd triangle. Work 20 rows in St st.

RH Triangle (RS)
Work to this point, correction is underlined
Row 15 (17, 19) K1fb, k7 (8, 9), ssk. Do not turn.
Work 3 RS Rectangles.

TIERS 4–13 (11, 9)
Cont in color sequence and entrelac pat as established until same length as left front to armhole.
Cont as written to this point –

TIER 21 (19, 17), page 123
Half Triangle (Right Corner) (RS)
Work to this point, correction is underlined
Row 17 (17, 21) Ssk (SK2P, ssk)—1 st remains. Do not turn.
Work 1 Top Triangle.
Fasten off.

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