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ISBN-10: 1931543151

Fringe Benefits, page 72

Corrections are underlined.

Instructions for fringe were omitted.


Cut fringe 5″/12.5cm long. On WS of bottom edge and sleeve edge, insert crochet hook from front to back through piece and over folded yarn. Pull yarn through. Draw ends through and tighten. Trim yarn.

Panda Pals, page 92

Updated: 01Mar2011

Instructions for working bear chart on pocket of backpack and on purse are incorrect. Please use the following instructions:

With MC cast on 41 sts. Work in St st for 6 rows.
Next row (RS) Work row 1 of Bear chart (see page 131).
Continue in St st and Bear chart until row 49 has been worked.
With MC only, knit 1 row on WS. Continue in garter st for 1″/2.5cm. Bind off.
Continue pattern as written.

With MC, cast on 41 sts. Work in garter st for 1″/2.5cm. Beg with a knit row, work in St st for 49 rows. Knit 1 row on WS for folding ridge. Cont in St st for 6 rows.
Next row (RS) Work row 1 of Bear chart (see page 131). Continue in St st and Bear chart until row 49 has been worked. With MC only, knit 1 row on WS. Continue in garter st, dec 1 st each each side every other row 19 times – 3 sts.
Next row SK2P.
Pull yarn through rem st, fasten off.

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