SIBN-13: 978-1-936096-69-5

Honeycomb Cable Hat, page 12

Updated: 23Jun2014

Chart, page 130
In row 3 of chart 2 on page 130 stitches 6, 11, 20 and 25 should be shown as “no stitch.”

Swiss Scarf, page 108

Updated: 23Jun2014

Corrections are underlined.

Note that the row numbers are off but have not been changed so as no to throw off references to row numbers later in the pattern.

Row 12-15 Rep rows 10 and 11 twice more.
Row 16 P5, p2tog, M1

Row 20 K2, p2, p2tog (working yo tog with st), turn.

Row 22-25 Rep rows 20 and 21 twice more.
Row 26 (WS) K2, p2, p2tog, M1 p-st, turn.

Row 42 P5, ssk, turn.
Row 50 K2, p6, ssk, turn.

Head Kerchief, page 112

Updated: 23Jul2014

Correction is underlined.

After row 13 is complete: Cont in this manner, inc 2 sts every RS row…

Color Work Cowl, page 124

Updated: 30May2014

The yarn requirements should read:
• 1 skein 1 ¾oz/50g skeins (each approx 148yd/135m) of Noro Takeuma (wool/silk/viscose) each in #7 purple/brown/neutral (MC) and #4 neutrals (CC).

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