ISBN-13: 978-193609-03-9

Arrow Lace Cuff, page 31

Updated: 21Jul2009

Replace Row 3 with the following:
Row 3 K2, *yo, [sl 1, k1, psso], yo, [sl 1 k2tog, psso], yo, k2tog, yo, k3; rep from *, end last rep k2.

Cardigan with Cabled Points, photo on pages 56 & 57, instrux begin on page 140

1. Left Front neck shaping is incorrect, replace with the following:

Work even until armhole measures 6 (6.5, 7)”/15 (16.5, 18) cm end with a RS row.


Neck shaping
Next row (WS) Bind off 14 sts (neck edge) , work to end of row. Cont to bind off from neck edge 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st twice. Work even if necessary until same length as back, bind off rem 11 (15, 19) sts for shoulder.

2. Rows 1-19 of Beg Points are incorrect, replace with the following:

Beg Points

Row 1 (RS) K20, SKP, k1, k20 – 43 sts.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 , 12 and 14 Purl.
Row 3 K19, SKP, k1, k2tog, k19 – 41 sts.
Row 5 K18, SKP, k1, k2tog, k18 – 39 sts.
Row 7 K17, SKP, k1, k2tog, k17 – 37 sts.
Row 9 K16, SKP, k1, k2tog, k16 – 35 sts.
Row 11 K15, SKP, k1, k2tog, k15 – 33 sts.
Row 13 K14, SKP, k1, k2tog, k14 – 31 sts.
Row 15 K11, p1, k3, k2tog, k2, p1, k11 – 30 sts.
Rows 16 and 18 K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Row 17 K11, p1, k6, p1, k11.
Row 19 K11, p1, 6-st RC, p1, k11.

Bold Baroque Cable and Cord Collar, pages 58-59

Updated: 08Feb2021

Corrections are underlined.

Row 4 P3, 4-st LPC, 4-st RPC, p7, 6-st LC, p7, 4-st LPC, 4-st RPC, p3.
Row 12 P5, 4-st LPC, 6-st RC, p12, 6-st RC, 4-st RPC, p5.
Row 14 P6, 6-st LC, 6-st LPC, p6, 6-st RPC, 6-st LC, p6.
Row 30 P6, 6-st LC, 6-st RPC, p6, 6-st LPC, 6-st LC, p6.

Double Angle-Line Mitered Corner, page 85

Corrections are underlined.

Row 1 (RS) K3, k in front and back of next st, k3, k in back and front of next st, k3.

Hooded Shawlphoto on pages 78-79, instructions begin on p 141.

Corrections are underlined.

1. Stitch Glossary has a typo, replace with the following:
5-st LC should be 5-st LPC
5-st RC should be 5-st RPC

2. MB(make bobble) [K into……, then slip the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th sts over the first st.

3. Pattern II
Row 2 K3, [p1 tbl] 3 times, k3.

4. SHAWL Cast on …….Cont even in pat as established until piece measures 66″/167.5cm, ending with row 4. Work 2 rows in St st. Bind off.