Brioche Purl Decreases, page 36
Updated: 07Jan2015
Small visual in upper left corner should look like this:
Under Dutch Skies, pages 103-104
Updated: 07Jan2015
The chart on page 103 should be labeled as the LEFT-HAND SIDE of the chart.
The chart on page 104 should be labeled as the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of the chart.
Also the following text was omitted:
“To more easily follow this chart, make a copy of both left and right sides. Cut them out and tape them together to make a complete chart.”
Icicle, pages 180-183
Updated: 01Oct2014
The set-up rows were inadvertently omitted from this pattern.
Set-Up Row 1 DS LC: p1, *sl1yo, p1; rep from * to end. Do not turn, slide.
Set-Up Row 1 DS DC: sl1, *brk1, sl1yo; rep from * to last 2 sts, brk1, sl1. Turn.
Miss B, pages 204-209
Updated: 01Oct2014
Page 209
The chart labeled Miss B Repeat Chart Right Side should be labeled Miss B Repeat Chart Left Side.
The chart labeled Miss B Repeat Chart Left Side should be labeled Miss B Repeat Chart Right Side.