Ruffles and Roses, pages 14-19
Updated: 01Jul2013
Corrections are underlined.
Neck shaping was inadvertently eliminated for the right back and left back.
Work even in St st until armhole measures 2 ¼”/5.5cm, end with a RS row. Bind off 3 sts, work to end of row. Work 1 row even. Bind off rem 8 sts.
Work even in St st until armhole measures 2 ¼”/5.5cm, end with a RS row. Bind off 3 sts, work to end of row. Work 1 row even. Bind off rem 8 sts.
In the directions for the sleeves, delete the paragraph after the cap shaping that begins with Next row (RS) and ends with 17 sts. Go directly from “Bind off 3 stitches at beg of next 2 rows” to “Work even in St st for 6 rows, cont as written.
A Walk in the Woods, pages 20-23
Updated: 29Jun2014
1. The back and front should begin with “Work in k2, p2 rib for 4 rows,” not 5 rows.
2. The finishing instructions for the headband and wristlets are misleading. To form a tube, sew the side edges together. Do not sew the cast-on edge to the bound-off edge.
Petite Parisienne, page 24
Updated: 23Jul2014
In the finishing instructions, the sentence “Sew front to back for 1¼”/3cm to shape sleeve,” should be omitted.
Perfect Match, pages 27-29
Updated: 23Jul2014
Correction is underlined.
For the Right Front the Neck Shaping should read as foll:
Row 12 (RS) Bind off 3 sts, work to end end of row—8 sts.
A Rose is a Rose, pages 30-24
Updated: 21Jun2013
When joining the ruffle on the coat, hold the first ruffle in front of the second ruffle.
All That Glitters, pages 35-39
Updated: 07Jan2015
Corrections are underlined.
Row 1 (RS) Cast on 2 sts, sl 1, k39, k2tog, k40, sl 1—84 sts.
Next row (RS) K2, sl 1, k17, place last 20 sts worked on holder for left back, bind off next 6 sts for left armhole, knit until there are 34 sts on needle, place these sts on holder for front, bind off next 6 sts for right armhole, k to last 3 sts, sl 1, k2.
Page 39 — 2nd column
Row 7 Bind off 4 sts, k to last 3 sts, yo, k2tog, k1.
Fairy Tale Blanket, pages 40-43
Updated: 21Jun2013
After completing row 82 of the chart, keep the first and last 6 stitches in seed stitch and work 16 rows in St st (k on RS, p on WS) before working the 8 rows in seed stitch and binding off.
Modern Masterpiece, page 54
Updated: 09Apr2014
When chart is complete work Row 2 (WS) of the rib pattern once, then Row 1 and continue as written.
What a Hoot!, page 58
Updated: 23Jul2014
Correction is underlined.
Seed Stitch (worked over an odd number of sts)
Row 1 (RS) *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2 K the purl sts and p the knit sts as they appear.
Rep row 2 for seed st.
Alice’s Tea Party, pages 88-90
Updated: 09Apr2014
The instruction to sew the skirt seam was inadvertently omitted from the FINISHING instructions.
Coat of Many Colors, page 94
Updated: 01Sep2022
Correction is underlined.
Legwarmers (make 2)
With E, cast on 32 sts.