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ISBN-13: 9781936096756

Northern Lights Cardigan, page 16

Updated: 08Jan2010 

Special Stitches
Ridged rib (worked in rows)
Row 1 (RS) Knit.
Row 2 Knit.
Row 3 P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 4 K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.
Rep rows 1-4.

Ridged rib (worked in the round)
Rnd 1 Knit.
Rnd 2 Purl.
Rnds 3 and 4 P1, *k1, p1; rep from * around.
Rep rnds 1-4.

Evening Gala Aran, page 55

Updated: 14Jan2010 

The second BACK heading (in right column) should read as follows-

Work same as back.

Londonderry Rose Coat, page 56

Updated: 06Mar2009 

Changes to What You’ll Need are underlined.

1. 19 (24) 1 ¾oz/50g balls (ea. approx 109yds/100m) of Rowan/Westminster Fibers, Inc. Scottish Tweed Chunky in #19 peat (MC)
2. 1 ball each (ea. approx 123yds/113m) of Rowan/Westminster Fibers, Inc. Scottish Tweed DK in #18 thatch (A), #15 apple (B), #17 lobster (C) and #11 sunset (D)

Edwardian Lace Coat, pattern begins on page 86

Updated: 01Mar2010

Page 88
Right Back
Pattern 4, end of paragraph
Correction is underlined.

Repeat 8 rows of Pattern 4 for 4 more times, work Row 1 once more. Knit 1 row on RS, inc 3 (1) sts evenly spaced along last row – 54 (72) sts. Leave sts aside on spare needle.

Galway Bay Shrug Shawl, page 106

Updated: 11Feb2009 

Correction is underlined.

Sleeve and shawl collar increases
Row 2 K to 1 st before marker, M1 (for collar), k1, work in rib as established over next 8 sts, work 14 sts of cable panel, work in rib to end.

Great Plains Bag, pages 230-232

Updated: 07Mar2012

1. Text on page 230
Insert space as marked in following sentence as marked on copy-
Beg at top edge, with smaller needles and MC, cast on 114 sts.

2. Text on page 230
Insert the following as marked on copy-

With the ribbed edges held tog at top, and bound-off edges held tog at bottom, sew side seams from top edge, leaving last 6”/15cm unsewn. Sew bound-off edges tog for bottom edge.

3. Chart on page 232
Color key names are incorrect, please make the following substitutions-

Mixed Berries (MC)
Douglas Fir (A)
Natural (B)
Cranberry (C)
China Blue (D)
Manzanita (E)
Navy (F)
Harvest (G)
Pine (H)
Berry (I)

4. Chart on page 232 Move the row number 15 up one row to the correct position as marked on copy –

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